I'm spinning around and around on my singing chair
And I'm filling my lungs with thoughts of sweet fresh air
It feels so Friday that my head's gone right out of gear
And I just can't wait to get out of here
I just can't wait!
The sky is so clear
I need to get out of here
Watching my clock ticking closer to the end of the day
And it feels so good to know that time is on its way
It's going to save me, it will arrive right on cue
Time is coming to my rescue
(swinging on my chair, thinking of sunshine out there)
Inside my chair is whining
Outside the sun is shining
Inside the phones won't stop ringing
Outside the birds can't stop singing
Inside, where blue creeps in and makes you feel bad
Outside, where blue just always makes you feel glad
Inside where I do not want to be
Outside where I want to be happy