On a river of sighs a boat came towards me A flimsy disguise covered the devil Who sang from a song sheet of how modern lifes a bore In his choirboy's attire He sang me the life to which good girls aspire Where men in white coats Give us pills to tame the horses that stamp on our floors And pills for when the horses have bolted out the door Its hard to explain I dont like hanging on to reins in my hands all the time Im running out of trails Worn paths dont lead to where I need to get to every time She moves in secret ways And there is grace and poised perfection When she takes the helm She moves in secret ways Now the house is on fire, the rats are all screaming The horses are tired, they think theyre still dreaming Cause the barn doors are open, the crossbar is hanging in the wind So the devil sings higher Oh, just look at what youre doing Yeah, hes joined by a choir of doctors and statesmen Who plan their sorry lives to the last day's end But look at all the happy things that happen by accident Its hard to explain I dont like hanging on to reins in my hands all the time
Im running out of trails Worn paths dont lead to where I need to get to every time She moves in secret ways And there is grace and poised perfection When she takes the helm She moves in secret ways Days gone by, I thought I had it all Filed in little boxes Now I find I never had control Just took little chances and won Now the devils downstream, hes singing to someone My horses are free, they answer to no-one Unbridled, untethered, they roam on the unmarked land In my house, theres a calm, a peace has descended No need for alarm, its as she intended Im through with trying to fight the things I dont understand Accept my sweet surrender to the greater, better plan Its hard to explain I dont like hanging on to reins in my hands all the time Im running out of trails Worn paths dont lead to where I need to get to every time She moves in secret ways And there is grace and poised perfection When she takes the helm She moves in secret ways She moves in secret ways She moves in secret ways