1 sheep 2 sheep the rest aren't accounted for X4 Ever since you were small you dreamt of a bigger place Nobody can beat you in your own private space Where you envisioned becoming an awesome astronaut But the qualifications they have just tell you cannot Fly away to Jupiter and allocate some aliens Something's wrong, I belong, we're all h*mo-sapiens! How could this be, can't you see, I was told that you can be Anything you wanted if you work hard persist and believe Gloomy and Grouchy, you become chaotic like tazz Body tries to resist, arms twist in twisters and spazz Verge of collapse, Drugs and drinks about to win the war Then a shrug before you slept is when you discovored Dreaming (what?) Dream chasing (tell me now) X4 I'm telling you inception in this b**h Except this switch Expecting rich Accept my tips Acclaiming bits Emotions hitch In your dreams, dreams come true, yes they do UH Living til the clock rings at you, ring rings at you Dark mind clouded with drama storms Evil silhouette outlined with pointy horns Demons inside my nerves, curves won't keep him in Fell asleep 5 ago, couldn't sleep til then Girls and schools, world of fools, curl a tool The weight is too heavy, not minuscule, over k**, requires fossil fuel So when the shifting eyes are closed and started to swim within Lights filled up the brain and continued what it trained Seeing this and knowing that, feeling those and tasting fats Cooked in a memory bank, burnt money coming back
This world is yours, no control Let your mind patrol Round the stems giving out signals Creativity is maximal Colliding what you saw and what you always thought of Your conscious has its own ideas that it has brought up You fade to an intelligent side, night time can Let you live your precious dream that's when you're Dreaming (what?) Dream chasing (tell me now) X4 I'm telling you inception in this b**h Except this switch Expecting rich Accept my tips Acclaiming bits Emotions hitch In your dreams, dreams come true, yes they do UH Living til the clock rings at you, ring rings at you Now that you've submerged in your deep sleep state You lost track of time it keeps going at any rate Till a sudden shift in sound, clock buzzing in your ears You're back in reality, that's like your biggest fear Let me go back, I need to see, never shall I leave She was standing there perfectly, similar to Eve You close your eyes; lights shut them off and focus all your mite That you just might go back in time and witness love site But you can't, it's impossible, fiction, Kim Possible All those affectionate comedians think that is comical You can't think of nothing else you rather thrive in Like Harry looking at D's gla** waiting to dive in Never will you know when this will happen again Back to reality. Uncertain when it all began Run for your dreams, chase until you can run no more Hoping when you fall asleep your goal will be for