Mister Samuel, he belong to Rotary, Sam, to de Sons of Rest; Both wear red hats lak monkey men, An' you cain't say which is de best. Mister Samuel ride in a Cadillac, Sam ride in a Tin Lizzie Fo'd; Both spend their jack fo' gas an' oil, An' both git stuck on de road. Mister Samuel speak in de Chamber of Commerce, Sam he speak in ch'uch; Btoh of 'em talk for a mighty long time, Widout sayin', Lawd knows, ve'y much. Mister Samuel deal wid high finance, Sam deal in a two-bit game; Mister Samuel crashes, Sam goes broke,
But deys busted jes' de same. Mister Samuel wide speak sof' an; low, When dey gits in their weekly fight; Sam catches a broomstick crost his rear, An' both of 'em's henpecked right. Mister Samuel drinks his Canadian Rye, Sam drinks his bootleg gin; Both gits as high as a Georgia pine, And both calls de doctor in. Mister Samuel die, an' de folks all know. Sam die widout no noise; De worl' go by in de same ol' way, And dey's both of 'em po' los' boys.