(Spoken) Well, hello, welcome to the beautiful Pontchartrain Hotel here in the Bayou Bar, and one of the few pieces of Uptown real estate that Miss Anne Rice has not purchased yet. (Sung) Blllllbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb Well, you know it's kinda funny Watchin' Anne spend her money Buyin' up more land than has Loyola She's often warned us 'bout her literary friends That's why she needs more dirt Than the rest of us, I guess The Holy See will hawk it, Anne jumps in the market With blood in her veins is cold as ice. She has more money than the Nevilles, More cunning than the devil It's a sportin' thing to do if one's Anne Rice. Sta-a-a-a-a-n, I'd like to buy that orphanage Don't worry we won't fill it up with kids. We'll fill the halls with dolls and with Halloween balls With lodging for my sister and all of our pals Sta-a-an, I'm so excited I'm losing my pallor
The house is worthy of the Holy Grail And imagine, our neighbors are Nine Inch Nails! Blllllbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb Whatever Anne Rice wants, Anne Rice gets Her papa's chapel, with houses grand, On St. Charles, Chestnut, 'tania and Napol-e-on Sta-a-a-a-a-n, what a lovely chapel! Is it for sale? We'll alter the altar Install a television, put an island in the kitchen For chopping up the chickens. Sta-a-a-a-a-n, I saw this place at the foot of Can*l The tourists walking by, say, Oh, it looks abysmal, But I like the aery feeling, Stan, I think it's kind of metaphysical And though it isn't finished yet, it's a good bet For a blood-s**ing scoundrel like Lestat What's one more vice? What's one more sacrifice? He'll pack 'em in faster than any casino. Why gamble on a roll of the dice? If the city must be damned, Let it be by Anne Ri-i-i-i-i-ice