You wait for the car to pull up in the snow So cold but Lord it feels so much like home Every year, when the families all here You look down, through your breath at your feet You think of Christmas day, and what it really means You wait for sound, a choir of angels singing Hark how the bells, with candles Christmas Eve It feels like home to me, we celebrate the birth Of Christ the King... What Christmas really means... You look at the stars that fill the winter sky All the same stars that shown that fateful night In Bethlehem, on the savior of man You hold hands around the table Christmas Day Bless this house, and Bless this family; it's in
Your name we pray... You wait for sound, a choir of angels singing Hark how the bells, with candles Christmas Eve It feels like home to me, we celebrate the birth Of Christ the King... What Christmas really means The birth of Christ the King Let all the children sing What Christmas really means... You wait for sound, a choir of angels singing Hark how the bells, with candles Christmas Eve It feels like home to me, we celebrate the birth Of Christ the King... What Christmas really means The birth of Christ the King Let all the children sing What Christmas really means The birth of Christ the King