My name is Ray High
This is my last album
Don't you ever ring me up drunk again, Ray, do you hear me?!
You spray like a tomcat
Spray like a tomcat
Piss like a stray dog
Swear like a sailor
Speaking in gang tongues
Kicking in chorus
Step to order
Slashing like a blind man
Lost like a soldier
Lost like a soldier
Blurred like a movie
Grey under streetlights
Grey in the sunshine
Black on the tube line
White on the touchline
Moving like a fever
Spreading like an oil slick
Thicker than a house brick
I'm an English boy
I was brought up right
Hold me down
And I will bite
I know no fear
I serve with joy
I'm proud to be here
An English boy
You spray like a tomcat
Piss like a stray dog
Swear like a sailor
Speaking in gang tongues
Kicking in chorus
Stabbing to order
Slashing like a blind man
Lost like a soldier
I'm an English boy
Precisely made
Pin me down
I am not afraid
I show no fear
I served with joy
I'm proud to be here
I'm an English boy
Blurred like a movie
Grey under streetlights
Grey in the sunshine
So black on the tube line
White on the touchline
Moving like a fever
Spreading like an oil slick
Thicker than a house brick
I'm an English boy
I was brought up right
Come on and raise your dress
And I will bite
My voice is clear
I Got perfect poise
Good to be down here
With all the English boys
Let me tell you the truth and now I can kindly say what I want to say
And it's so even hard at this time of my life
But I know you don't now how I feel right now
But I can see into the history, in the present, past, forever
In one big f**ing lie in a bullseye
Slow like a prejudice
Broken like hatred
Kicking at a dead man
Cut pieces to pieces
Marking your territory
Freezing the future
Stopping the stopwatch
I am despairing
I'm an English boy
I was brought up right
Hold me down
And I will bite
I knew no fear
I served with joy
Proud to be here
I'm an English boy
English boy
I'm an English boy
English boy
I'm an English boy
I'm an English boy
I'm an English boy
English boy
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. You know, Mark, I'm telling you, it's just, it's, it's an existential horror. What a life.
Early morning dreams come true
I know that now that I'm here with you
You're here by my side
I'm siding with you
If you can't lean on me, who can you lean on? If you can't lean on me, who can you lean on? If you can't lean on me, who can you lean on? Have a good show.
Slip kid, slip into experience suit
Give up on your phony freedom now
Slip kid, slip into your Gridlife suit
The Grid seat cover can slow things down
Who am I, where am I, who are you and you?
Who am I, where am I, who are you and you?
Who am I, where am I, who are you and you?
Who am I, where am I, who are you and you?
Hey, little slip kid, slip into your suit
Give up on your phony freedom now
Slip kid, slip into your Gridlife suit
The Grid sleep curfew is closing down
Slip kid, slip into experience suit
Give up on your phony freedom now
Slip kid, slip into your Gridlife suit
The Grid sleep curfew is closing down