Sunrise is tearing me down Someone told me about it She said I could handle the cactus I said “I'll be fine” Man got so scared he called the police I stared at the hawk in the sky And watched a man sweep Wait, wait, wait I'm more than me I'm the iron sea and the cavalry You can shake a man's hand You can speak so loud You can turn in your heart Say you're as ready as a rain cloud You could shove yourself around But why would you do that? Why would you do it? Wait, wait, wait I'm more than me
I'm the iron sea and the cavalry I beat the faces I'm sure I made some traces in the lines There were crimes I won't talk about Dogs behind fences Men in cars with scared faces Was that your sign? When we fly right through time Now wait a minute, I'm locked up inside I knew I didn't commit that crime Wait, wait, wait I'm more than me I'm the iron sea and the cavalry And there was music all around The coral tree was in the ground Hey the gifts you could give But you must live to see it through