I've got so much I want-a say, So many words that have never gone away... To see you after so many years. So many words. Times never taken away. Hello hello from me. Your smile on your face I've been longing to see. Your soft touch so formiller to me. My First love. My first love Who loved the person, that's me... To brush your arm to touch your skin like silk. -woooh the electricity... It's like I've sinned... I so wanted to see more of you.
I wanted you, to be more of my day. So many words So many words to say. So many words that have never gone away... It's something I needed to say. It's something I've written for you These are some of my words I needed to say, After all these years. These words are for you. First love still burns. Makes my heart skip beat After all these years. I still feel the heat. It's happening, It's happened once again And Still we say Goodbye.