How are you? I'm writing you from school
All I sacrificed to get here
And I just want to talk to you
One month down and I still feel so alone
There's still years left to go
And all the things I thought I'd learn are barely taught
We're just instructed to lean back
And think some frilly, cautious thoughts
I'd collapse into your arms if you were here
And douse your shirt in tears
I'm a**aulted by the verse of peers
That stresses, line by line
How anything's a**ertable as long as it can rhyme
And they all inhabit fictions
Like these workshops will inspire
Hearts abbreviated to a singular desire
And their books line up like furniture, they shine
And the light makes constellations on their uncorrupted spines
And if one desire was all I had to choose...
I'd wish that I was with you