Pissing in the wind Betting on a losing friend Making the same mistakes We swore we'd never make again Pissing in the wind And it's blowing on all our friends We're gonna sit and grin And tell our grandchildren About the time I called this guy It was four in the morning To teach me the words To the song I was humming He just laughed and said that The old grey cat is sneaking down the hall And all he wants to know is Who in the hell is paying for this call Pissing in the wind Betting on a losing friend Making the same mistakes We swore we'd never make again Pissing in the wind And it's blowing on all our friends We're gonna sit and grin And tell our grandchildren How this dude called me up It was eight in the morning He wanted to know How in the f** am I doing He just laughed and he said Get it together boy
And fall on by the house Me and some buddies would like to play Anything you're picking now Pissing in the wind Betting on a losing friend Making the same mistakes We swore we'd never make again Pissing in the wind And it's blowing on all our friends We're gonna sit and grin And tell our grandchildren How we worked and we suffered and struggled Making our record till we got it right Now we're waiting on the check to come Sneaking down the hall (come on, drag city) Like that old time feeling That we never should have ever Put that record out at all Pissing in the wind Betting on a losing friend Making the same mistakes We swore we'd never make again Pissing in the wind And it's blowing on all our friends We're gonna sit and grin And tell our grandchildren That the answer my friend Is just pissing in the wind