Verse 1: Just 20 minutes ago she left her home And proceeded to subdue the voice in her earphones As she went in the store past the corner Looked around the inner-environment and pa**ed a Foreigner Something tripped her visual detection As she looked through a mag in the book section Flicked past the contents page of Fhm magazine To find the secrets that would make her the female of Every male's dream Went on and hopelessly trying to imitate a model-like celebrity She had to abuse her own image carelessly Went into the local council often for therapy She decided to go into hospital for surgey Mis-believed that this artificial beauty Could neutralize insecurity Conscious of unhealthy practices and what she deemed as unsafe foods Even fatty liquids were rejected To the point that she was anerexic Verse 2: Before long her figure was covered in fake eyes and fake b**bs Which cursed her to date guys disguised as fake dudes, She only found fornication not love This male upon male cycle became her addictive drug With loneliness comparable to a tea kettle without the mug Needed comfort and her baby sister didn't hesitate for a hug One day she went to a local cafe Ordered a blueberry muffin with a chocolate lattay Sat down to get her head clear From the daily emotions such as anxiety, depression and fear But she turned her head and smiled at what was near
Across the queue at the very end Was a guy that she would love to get to know as a friend Or perhaps even more And at a quarter to 4 When she took out her mirror The strange figure came near her Took a seat opposite her Both sets of eyes faced at the same time At this point while she was sipping her cup I gained courage to communicate and I asked her "what's up?" Verse 3: She explained in full to me How it was painful to see Guy after guy betray her My initial thoughts were "what do I say to her"? She has undoubtedly been tricked by society The image of true values was to her the sight of me Her face looked like it had been painted-up Like she accidently fell face first into a tray of make-up I could recognise the stains of her night before Got up off the chair and offered food with "would you like some more She rejected the offer Hopefully the advice I gave taught her Not to feel bad about her natural posture And to get rid of this plastic impostor I then left the cafe shop If there was any connection between our hearts I dismembered the vein I don't remember her name But this story is a metaphor about how every popular or insecure girl is the same How their uncomfort begins to flex Resorting to unsafe s** And being paid welfare checks While another poor worker's back wrecks