Lingering Uncertainty Overwhelming Transparent Reality Diminishing Sanity Pa**ive to Decline Blistering Tendencies Sick And Twisted Constantly My Mind f**ing Bleeds Unsuspecting Acts Of Aggression Control Escapes Me Retribution Decimation Blood Pacifies Soothing Temporarily Bringing Serenity DEATH Calming Screams Encouraging Prolonging d**h Mutilating Inevitable END Administering Agony Dispersing Pain Life Ends Severing Control Blood Flows Freely
LACERATING FRANTICALLY Savage Butchering Removing Dismembering Soothing Mentally Calm DEATH Completes Me Still The Need To k** Again Overcomes Mentally Driven Subconsciously Hate RAGE Contained Within Explodes Forth Loose Again Hunting Condemned To Die By Me Fascinating To Hear The Pleas Begging Constantly To Be Set Free Trapped HOLDING DEATH Over You No mercy Enduring Pain Delightfully Fuel The Need Consuming TRANSPARENT REALITY DIMINISHING SANITY