Jonathan was a guy of sixteen years a little more When he had his first affair which encouraged him to Score Time stood still for both of them, they seemed to be As one And life was love and love was life, no problems - Only fun But one day he felt that something was goin' the wrong Way Always when he liked to move she wanted him to stay And the longer that it lasted, the less he kept feelin' nice She suppressed his individuality and he began to Realize: That she was - not the way - that he wanted her to be Havin' found another lover he forgot to see That - though they really liked each other - time was cruel again
And dullness crept in and took a hold of both of them This time arrogance and convience made Jonathan Ignore He was too certain of herdevotion so he didn't wanna See before That she perceived reality and put it to an end Yet he was - not the way - that she wanted him to be Jonathan found out from this and he began to see Should love exist it only can if one can yet stay free Don't try to change your lover's mind - maybe he'll Change himself You'd better accept him as a whole and trust in what I say: Lovers are - not the way - that they want each other to be