This instant regression This instant stuperfaction Why dont you learn your lesson You burning intuition Is only a fraction Of what it could be now Of what it should be Without this blasphemy Why can't you see me Acknowledge me As you bust yourself on Rocks from the cliffs above I step back and watch you Become my bleeding dove I mend you Repair you And one day set you free So perhaps one day you Will fall back into me Why cant you see me Acknowledge me You cannot tell me once again
Why must you k** your closest friend I hold my breath to watch you Enjoy yourslef Destroy yourself Employ yourself into Transparency Why can't you see me Acknowledge me You cannot tell me once again Why must you k** your closest friend You cannot tell me once again no not again Why must you k** you closest friend Why cant you see me Transparency Why cant' you see me Transparency Why can't you see me Transparency why can't you see me Transparency