Deep through the mists of time Gaze to the crystal ball Back to the age of darkness Black was the protocol A King ruled the web with fear Spilling the blood of men Then from the ocean came Puff the Barbarian Born in a tiny bowl Puff was a pet Sold into slav-er-y by the man Eating the weeds till he was strong enough Breaking his bonds like nobody can Down the sewer pipes of Hell A thousand kitties then did bleed Constraints were slain as well Hacked his way out to the C And there he found His destiny
Hammer of the Ocean God "Xor taking care of me" Then in a dream Xor requested he "Go to the Sun King, get what I yearn Kernighan saw it, prophet of the C Knowledge - so they may never return" At the tower Puff appealed For the wisdom of the One Denied, his mind did reel Puff was getting tired of Sun Broke down the guard Cause math is hard Saw McNealy on his throne All alone and only bones Come the Sun King blade ablur Hammer down eclipse the Sun And Puff, the land secured The new King Barbarian