[Verse 1] Echolalia, lisztomania I played my ukelele on the way to La Grange, bruh At Marina Gardens Pardon, I'm barfing into my shirt sleeves with my dirt knees Something is hurting me The pain is in my ribcage, abstain from getting sh**-faced Abstain from judging the people who don't abstain from getting sh**-faced Tame your nervous twitch, train to be a conversationalist Stand up with a straight back, remove from your lexicon the saying "I hate that" Arm your pals with their own torches Keep a vigilant watch over your soul fortress Eat cold suppers off frisbees and don't complain When the snow falls, dream of beaches and not propane In lieu of paying rent, buy a painting Approach a dead bird the way you would your dad hanging in Trafalgar Square [Hook] I made you something pretty with my words today I heard you gasp because you lack the words to say Something you were feeling in the worst of ways I made you something pretty with my words today [Verse 2] Gain muscle ma** by bench pressing hedonists Write the good raps at the apex of your sleepiness Read Plato's Republic and promptly forget the whole thing Though intimidated by the system, never forget your whole name Never be caught planking Refuse to let these a**holes reduce your art to rankings Be a pitiless censor and a ticklish tenor among better things
Lead a brave sega revolt against Negaduck and Megavolt Raise a baby colt to be a great steer, hate fear And learn to set the placemats with full plates and fake beer Say grace but first state "This may be sort of weird" In lieu of paying rent, buy a painting Approach a dead bird the way you would your dad hanging in Trafalgar Square Howdy there, God's voice sounds like Mister Rogers And I'm lighting roman candles for missing toddlers and wishing-wellers Who sit lonely in their sh**ty cellars [Hook] [Verse 3: Open Mike Eagle] Never treat your lady like a house cat Call your old dear friend and give her blouse back For a couple years there I was desensitized to mouse traps And I'm not really sure how I bounced back Try a**ociating grief with minor chords Your DNA remembers hide 'n' seek with dinosaurs Self-respected, you've come a long way baby doll If I was tiny enough I'd ride over the gravy falls Or maybe I just need enough gravy Two sensitive people can make a really tough baby I think that's f**ing amazing All of my exes live in Tetris This magic wand is just for making breakfast Call me tiger cause I tige for a living To tige is to fly coach with a runny nose Or call me spider cause I spide for a living To spide is to try to feel cool in ugly clothes