Put a flex we know so well just be there to le me down Like we've been heavy for Put it down and never randing wars Tonight you'll find you're self alone What's wrong with letting go? Can't change the obvious to be what you believe? Now when we ready for temtation to be sure Just try your ingorance til the end You raise your world Study great on the fady lines, fine of strong or probbaly diam Can't face up to us on rush No bettre way, no deeper cause Say it's deep like a poakie shut
But don't wait cares if you think is well You call it wrong like in the old time Shut you right and enjoy the ride sponsored links Tonight you'll find you're self alone What's wrong with letting go? Can't change the obvious to be what you believe? Now when we ready for temtation to be sure Just try your ingorance til the end You raise your world Can't take yourself away Still pretending you believe your letting go One more face you can't forget Keep all your reverence on road