Listen! All this, made by man, exists for one simple reason; Further harmony amongst humans, happiness, materialistic utopia Only a few work a counter way To conquer, disharmonize and torture this world! Our days are few, they must be used Divine reasons show me our path The pernicious light which has blessed me with its utter damnation Is the holy fundaments on which our guideline rests Secrets reveal in Satan's code, so clear yet mysterious We enter a phase of completeness in direction as His angels take definite position Firmly rooted in the arcane foundation of pure malignancy
They reach through this world and beyond We remain through the self defeating consequence of incompleteness (life) Driven by demonical worship Throughout this world and beyond, I am obsessed by murderous hatred And errands are yet to come Trapped in evil ecstasy we are forever cursed A devilish fertilization nightly executed It has infected our flesh to bring earth His presence Follow the light pernicious Enter the path of murder Illusions must die since they are mortal Stare behind the light of Jahve Honor the end of your natural mind Your own will must be left behind