A morose fount of human d**h that lies before me At the end of this thornclad road My wounds are deep My cries are harsh Was it Hell that I witnessed, has my time come? Or may I stay to witness the Devil's work? Time to die; it has been far too long Sternly bound I depart from this foul And morbid life as it has given me nothing A morose fount of human d**h lies before me A creature of all my woes and awes, an entrance for me to pa** What importance am I? Evil is in the deed of every man
Everything pure may go lose as the ways of evil are opening Wider and ever darker A shadow cast of the Devil Time to die; it has been far too long Sternly bound I depart from this foul And morbid life as it has given me nothing Everywhere, and all around I see what you don't see; I see the vastness of the accuser Time to die; it has been far too long Sternly bound I depart from this foul And morbid life as it has given me nothing