I was so bored Just crying on the dance floor Some giant bone-grinder Had shut down my record store He said young one, Fee Fi Fo Fum I'll raise your rent, I'll raze this whole waterfront And all you see on your flickering screen Are millions guessing millions guessing Oh who will be our glue in this thing? And all you see on your flickering screen Are millions guessing millions guessing Oh who will be our glue in this thing? THIS is Magic Tape This tape with beats your brain ate Beats take and remake, make New sounds, new sounds, new sounds On the contrary, we We didn't sleep a wink all year While they turned the earth With their greedy paws, we said We hear you, we hear you, we hear We are young ones And we're never home
We spend our lives outside Out-of-bounds, so tell me giant, tell me How badly, how badly, how badly do you want out bones now? And all you see on your flickering screen Are millions guessing millions guessing Oh who will be our glue in this thing? And all you see on your flickering screen Are millions guessing millions guessing Oh get through this we'll get through this we'll get through THIS with Magic Tape This tape with beats your brain ate Beats take and remake, make Make proof of how you change You don't need glue, cover your eyes yeah LISTEN Magic Tape This tape with beats your brain ate Beats take and remake, make New sound, new sound, new sound New sound, new sound, new sound New sound, new sound, new sound