If I had an ounce of charm I would take you by the arm And you would not resist the pull I know it sounds improbable But it happens every day to people Just like you and me If I had a lick of sense I would wear down your defense And kiss you while your eyes are shut I know it sounds unlikely but It's still the only way two people Share one frequency Tell me now, before you ask your agents in the field Why you hold your body like a weapon you can wield
As a human shield I see you sitting on the couch I see you fiddle with your blouse I watch you take a sip of tea I can't believe it's up to me The planets kiss/the seasons shift The major fall/the minor lift The winter coats/the summer skirts The autumn leaves/the springtime flirts If I could overcome my fear Then this could be a banner year And it happens every day to people And what else can you say to people Just like you and me?