Come and listen let me tell you who we are A brotherhood of Aryans fighting for a cause We've taken up the struggle to save our Race We've taken control of our own fate On the streets we stand tall Sticking together and rising above all Hammerskins are fighting and never giving in Fighting for our Race, we fight to win It started in Dallas, but we've grown world-wide When others drop out we will never say die United in this struggle, we have to place our Race first Skinheads Fighting to destroy this j**ish curse With a mighty fist and a cunning Mind We'll beat down the muds And stop this n***a crime An elite group of skinheads For a nation White and pure
The future of White children is what we fight for Like Aryan warriors from ages gone by We'll fight the evil forces with our Racial pride A noble breed of warriors striving for the best The Hammerskins are here to destroy this j**ish mess Hammerskins - Unite, Stand & Fight Hammerskins - Unite, Stand & Fight We've had enough of the zionist way Creating a path for our Race's decay Out with the filth that destroy our land We've taken on the fight, we've taken a stand Hammerskins are fighting on the streets Defending our Race- we won't be beat For the Racial movement we have bled But we will never give up for victory lies ahead