Wild humans We're on the run Put on your cap Pick up your gun It's time to hunt Let's have some fun! Wild Humans Wild humans We're on the loose If you get caught, they'll cook your goose Try to keep your neck out of their noose! Wild Humans Rifle report We never thought we'd see your sort fall from the ranks of those who fought The best laid plans of man are lying felled by their own hands We have to take another stand We have to band together and
with one swift kick, well put, by you, to boot the brains and blast the heart There're no remains We've blown apart Wild Humans Security of the state controls your life now, not fate The prisoner of life you see set before you now is me They'll rape your mind They'll steal your soul and all for naught you'll pay this toll For not with reason do they k** Animal instinct they instill Propriety having gone awry, henceforth, we all shall die Wild Humans