She was awoken by the stinging feel of his fists pounding against her naked back She turned to look at him, but before she could say anything He smashed the base of her jaw with his elbow In the confusion of pain and flailing hands that followed She was barely aware of the sound of splintering teeth Rattling in the bloody agony of her broken mouth He pushed her out of the bed and onto the floor Her head hit off the bedside table Bringing the lamp down upon her shoulder
He stood above her as she lay in the mess of bedsheets and broken gla** and blood He stood above her and stared at her startled face Which was swollen and black with bruising and wet with sudden tears He bent down slowly, kneeled beside her, and lay down parallel with her body He pushed strands of hair back from the side of her face Pulled his torso up with his arm and leaned towards her He placed his lips against her ear He whispered "You shouldn't have said that."