[FIRST REPORTER] Guarda! It's Guido Contini! [GUIDO] Oh my God! [GUIDO AND LUISA] Reporters! [REPORTERS AND SPA PEOPLE] Guido Contini! Guido Contini! Guido Contini! Guido Contini is here at the spa! Not since Charlie Chaplin has there Ever been A film director like this-Guido Contini! Everything he does gets world Attention Whether it's a hit or a miss-Guido Contini! He writes the script! He writes the score! He's the director! And even more He's a consummate actor! [SECOND REPORTER] So what's your new film about, Guido? [GUIDO] I do not discuss a script until I've finished writing it! [THIRD REPORTER] Your producer claims you haven't even started it. [GUIDO] That's ridiculous! Where is she? [THIRD REPORTER] In Paris. [SECONF REPORTER] Trying to find you. [FIRST REPORTER] Does your wife know you're travelling with this woman? [GUIDO] This is my wife. [CARLA] Guido...! [GUIDO] Carla! My God! What're you doing here in Venice? [CARLA] I had to see you right away. I'm staying at the Albergo Caldo, numero cinque-cinque- [GUIDO] Cinque-cinque. [CARLA] I have wonderful news, I'll be waiting!
[LUISA] Guido, was that Carla? [GUIDO] Carla? No-no my love-I told you, that's all over with. [CLAUDIA] Guido...! [GUIDO] Claudia! I've been trying to reach you! I need you for my film! [OUR LADY OF THE SPA] Signor Contini, telephone, line seven; it's from Paris! [GUIDO] Claudia? [LILIANE LA FLEUR] No, it's Liliane, your producer. Remember me? [GUIDO] Oh yes. [LILIANE] I still haven't seen a script! What are you doing in Venice? [GUIDO] Well, I'm, I'm...scouting locations! [LILIANE] I see! That must mena that the film's going to shot in Venice. Thanks for telling me. I'll see you tomorrow. [GUIDO] Wonderful. [REOPRTERS AND SPA PEOPLE] No task too big! [GUIDO] So she's coming here! [REOPRTERS AND SPA PEOPLE] No task too small! [GUIDO] Now what do I do? [REOPRTERS AND SPA PEOPLE] He sketches costumes! [GUIDO] I'll go to Paris! [REOPRTERS AND SPA PEOPLE] And that's not all He writes the subtitles! [OUR LADY OF THE SPA] Signor Contini, telephone, line five, it's the Hollywood reporter! [GUIDO] Luisa, please help me!