Anna Andreyevna and Marya Antonovna. ANNA Oh, how charming he is! MARYA A perfect dear! ANNA Such refined manners. You can recognize the big city article at once. How he carries himself, and all that sort of thing! Exquisite! I'm just crazy for young men like him. I am in ecstasies—beside myself. He liked me very much though. I noticed he kept looking at me all the time. MARYA Oh, mamma, he looked at me. ANNA No more nonsense please. It's out of place now. MARYA But really, mamma, he did look at me.
ANNA There you go! For God's sake, don't argue. You mustn't. That's enough. What would he be looking at you for? Please tell me, why would he be looking at you? MARYA It's true, mamma. He kept looking at me. He looked at me when he began to speak about literature and he looked at me afterwards, when he told about how he played whist with the amba**adors. ANNA Well, maybe he looked at you once or twice and might have said to himself, "Oh, well, I'll give her a look."