The same and Osip. All rush to meet Osip, beckoning to him. ANNA Come here, my good man. GOVERNOR Hush! Tell me, tell me, is he asleep? OSIP No, not yet. He's stretching himself a little. ANNA What's your name? OSIP Osip, madam. GOVERNOR [to his wife and daughter] That'll do, that'll do. [To Osip.] Well, friend, did they give you a good meal? OSIP Yes, sir, very good. Thank you kindly. ANNA Your master has lots of counts and princes visiting him, hasn't he? OSIP [aside] What shall I say? Seeing as they've given me such good feed now, I s'pose they'll do even better later. [Aloud.] Yes, counts do visit him. MARYA Osip, darling, isn't your master just grand? ANNA Osip, please tell me, how is he— GOVERNOR Do stop now. You just interfere with your silly talk. Well, friend, how— ANNA What is your master's rank? OSIP The usual rank. GOVERNOR For God's sake, your stupid questions keep a person from getting down to business. Tell me, friend, what sort of a man is your master? Is he strict? Does he rag and bully a fellow—you know what I mean—does he or doesn't he? OSIP Yes, he likes things to be just so. He insists on things being just so. GOVERNOR I like your face. You must be a fine man, friend. What—? ANNA Listen, Osip, does your master wear uniform in St. Petersburg? GOVERNOR Enough of your tattle now, really. This is a serious matter, a matter of life and d**h. (To Osip.) Yes, friend, I like you very much. It's rather chilly now and when a man's travelling an extra gla** of tea or so is rather welcome. So here's a couple of rubles for some tea. OSIP [taking the money] Thank you, much obliged to you, sir. God grant you health and long life. You've helped a poor man.
GOVERNOR. That's all right. I'm glad to do it. Now, friend— ANNA Listen, Osip, what kind of eyes does your master like most? MARYA Osip, darling, what a dear nose your master has! GOVERNOR Stop now, let me speak. [To Osip.] Tell me, what does your master care for most? I mean, when he travels what does he like? OSIP As for sights, he likes whatever happens to come along. But what he likes most of all is to be received well and entertained well. GOVERNOR Entertained well? OSIP Yes, for instance, I'm nothing but a serf and yet he sees to it that I should be treated well, too. S'help me God! Say we'd stop at some place and he'd ask, "Well, Osip, have they treated you well?" "No, badly, your Excellency." "Ah," he'd say, "Osip, he's not a good host. Remind me when we get home." "Oh, well," thinks I to myself [with a wave of his hand]. "I am a simple person. God be with them." GOVERNOR Very good. You talk sense. I've given you something for tea. Here's something for buns, too. OSIP You are too kind, your Excellency. [Puts the money in his pocket.] I'll sure drink your health, sir. ANNA Come to me, Osip, and I'll give you some, too. MARYA Osip, darling, kiss your master for me. Khlestakov is heard to give a short cough in the next room. GOVERNOR Hush! [Rises on tip-toe. The rest of the conversation in the scene is carried on in an undertone.] Don't make a noise, for heaven's sake! Go, it's enough. ANNA Come, Mashenka, I'll tell you something I noticed about our guest that I can't tell you unless we are alone together. [They go out.] GOVERNOR Let them talk away. If you went and listened to them, you'd want to stop up your ears. [To Osip.] Well, friend—