On wizard planet the wizards are indigenous They feed on berries and watch out for the hungry Gandalf Gandalf Gandalf Gandalf Casting spells in the shade of a potion tree Protecting eggs hidden underneath the shrubbery Watching wizard cubs fashion their very first wands by the pond On wizard planet the wizards at the watering hole Bathe their babies and watch out for the savage Merlin Merlin Merlin Merlin Casting spells in the shade of a potion tree
Protecting eggs hidden underneath the shrubbery Attracting mates with their beards and their pointy hats on the flats Well now, you know I am a lover of nature: All of the good and ugly therein But even I have to turn away sometimes, Lest all the violence get under my skin Like when the Manannan flies down and Sinks his claws into a wizard nest, oh! I close my eyes, and I hold tight, well It's hard to watch all the little Harry Potters die on wizard planet