ToRuZ Verse 1 Welcome to the end of the world Brick by brick statues fall Neighbourhoods are gone Peace took a back door the law became Marine Core Streets are patrolled more now you shop at gun stores Ain't no getting a discount or lay-away Now you can purchase a shotgun at any age Gimmie some clips and throw me some belts Treat me like a lunatic and now I'm given em hell Loaded up with hollow tips I see the street and it pains me Been playin in this city ever since I was a baby I remember strawberry fields and the way the sun used to hit my skin and I'd feel every burnin ray Nowadays times changed Everything is blacked out That's why I pull my black mask out Getting ready for war between the people and the suits God bless America don't make me have to Shoot - CHORUS : EVERYTHING IS BUILT NOTHING CAN BE SAVED YOU ARE HALF A PRODUCT AND A SLAVE BUILDING WILL FALL AND SOLDIERS WILL SCREAM YOU ARE HALF MAN AND HALF MACHINE ToRuZ Verse 2 Don't ever think Your life is not as real or disposable All we tried to do is help That's what made us vulnerable They treat us like a puppet Take away our pledge of allegiance f** the constitution now I say my Pledge is vengeance Carpet bombs nerve gas and ancient Prophets Come together like a wicked song from Our forefathers Every tune has been heard every move has been carefully placed Got people fighting over who's the dominate race Who stands to gain from all this violence It sure the f** isn't our kids Just being honest Take a look around you might see it start to decay Grab a souvenir tuck it in before it melts away
All the moments in your life has brought you to this last stand You gonna man up or kneel down and hang your head Whatever choice that you make just know one thing Yer living proof you live in a machine CHORUS NFxus Verse 1 Were all born as PRODUCTS Were all given a code Were all told that we could have a dream But every time we open our eyes were getting lied to Every time we turn around were all getting told what to do This ant freedom this is hell I want my freedom back You can go ta hell Just give me what was promised ta me from the time I was born Just get out my way and watch me make my own score I'm a sit on top of this world like I was born there I'm an American dream there ant nothing like me out there I'm a take this world by storm an give it what it needs I'm a give it a red pill an watch it wake up from this dream And get out this god damn MACHiNE MACHiNE .. MACHiNE .. SOLO NFxus Verse 2 I remember laying down on merry go rounds watching the world spin by Never thought it would end up like this Can ya tell me why! Can ya tell me why!! Can ya tell me WHY!!! CAN YA TELL ME WHY!!! Can ya tell my why an old man has gotta sleep under a bridge With no home no food an no cloths for his sole This is supposed ta be the land of the free This is supposed ta be the home of the brave But it seems that were locked in a daze Stuck in a MACHiNES ways And I just wanna break FREE! Im ripping these shackles off of our feet I'm taking Americans where they need ta be MADE IN THE U.S.A Damn right them are the days CHORUS