Take me away to the quiet place Where the doors of perception open wide Smiling faces greet me there Loved and lost, lost inside Take me away to the netherworld Where we dance in the waves, the universe shines The place that holds my beautiful dream When I awake, I look to the sky and Pray that I will live forever The sorrow man will not be me Today I'll change my life forever For what I've seen must surely be Fly me away on the wings of a dove To the temple of knowledge we can fly Smiling inside, peace so clear One with the all, one within mind Fly me away to a better world
Where there's no more war and can be no shame The place that holds the great mystery When I awake, I look to the sky and Pray that I will live forever The sorrow man will not be me Today I'll change my life forever For what I've seen must surely be Here I am, body and soul Flesh and blood, on this stage I play my role No, there's no time left for gazing at the sky No, there's no time left, kiss the wind goodbye and Pray that I will live forever The sorrow man will not be me Today I'll change my life forever For what I've seen must surely be In the eyes of the sorrowed man...