You laugh at your god's face As you desecrate a whole race In your realm of illusions You lead your disciples to disgrace Commandments are broken Words of blasphemy are spoken Messiah of the deadly sins The Wicked god wins With open arms you embraced the love of Christ With open eyes you preach your glorious lies Impure, obscene, your prayers of sin Enslavement is your toil Profanity in sacred soil You're the bringer of hate The d**h of all faith Betrayer, Deceiver You're Satan's incarnate Prophet of the apocalypse The key to hell's gate Demons are born in the world of lies Were sin is sanctified
Heaven is torn and angels cry As all that is Sacred Dies Master of Deception In a World of Emptiness Where Promises are lies And fear is a powerful ally Inflicter of Pain divine Ruler of the Evil's shrine Self made god of blasphemy Deified by inanity Your hypothetical ideals you crucify Non-belief you justify Your motives you must fulfill Even if you have to k** The greatest atrocity The loss of Innocence, of Purity The art of manipulation Your personal obsession An Empire of tyranny Intellect supremacy A man made religion of disbelief The doom of a failed humanity