Inspirational music begins to play. John Stamos is sitting in a chair, looking back at a projection of some pictures of himself. After a moment, he turns to face the camera. STAMOS: Hi, I'm John Stamos. (He removes his gla**es). Guess it was the Fall of 2015 when things looked to be going a little south for those guys at Netflix. Switch to a different camera angle of John Stamos from the side, in black and white. STAMOS: My friend, fellow Greek-American, Ted Sarandos, the Head of Content there, he came to me and he said, "John..." (Cut to the original camera). He said, "You, my friend, you've built more than a life for yourself. You've built a brand." He said, "Please let us use your beloved brand to take Netflix to that next..." He holds his hand up. Switch back to the black and white camera angle. STAMOS: "... level. You know, that next... place." Switch to the original camera angle. STAMOS: "As part of that," he said, "we want you to play the role of a lifetime. We want John Stamos to play John Stamos." So, you know, I was naturally flattered and I say, "Hey, you guys," (Switch to black and white camera angle), "you got my attention. I want to hear what you've got." Switch to original camera angle. STAMOS: Netflix and I have partnered up to give you something very special. Switch to black and white camera. STAMOS: Production is under way, but we want to offer you a small taste of what's to come, so... Switch to original camera. STAMOS: ... Without any further ado, I invite you to sit back, relax, take a sneak peak at what we've got in store, for you. Cut to a shot of the Hollywood sign. Ominous music starts playing. John Stamos begins narrating. We see a shot of him looking at himself in a dressing room mirror.
STAMOS: Who is John Stamos? Shot of John Stamos crossing himself backstage at a concert. STAMOS: What is John Stamos? Good Question. Netflix logo flashes. We see pictures of a young John Stamos. STAMOS: Teenage heartthrob. Well, worldwide brand. Shot of John Stamos from Fuller House. The words, 'FROM THE MIND OF JOHN STAMOS' flash on screen. Another shot of Stamos backstage. STAMOS: What is a star? A bad boy? Shot of Stamos on a roof. STAMOS: A good guy? Shot of John Stamos with his Hollywood Star, while fans cheer. The words, 'COMES THE LIFE OF JOHN STAMOS' flash on screen. Black and white shots of John Stamos in heavy make-up go past. STAMOS: John Stamos is more than just a human being. John Stamos is a human... being? More intense ominous music plays. The words, 'A NETFLIX ORIGINAL SERIES' flash on screen. Shots of John Stamos as a young child, followed by him on stage, sweating. Various pictures of an adult Stamos, followed by a shot of him lounging in a dressing room. Shots of him in public, at various shootings and other celebrity events. Shot of him on stage with some drums, standing up and holding a drumstick high as people cheer, followed by a black and white shot of him standing in the dressing room. STAMOS: Lights. Black and white shot of him walking backstage. STAMOS: Camera. Dramatic shot of Stamos. STAMOS: Stamos. An audience cheers. The words, 'JOHN STAMOS' come on screen, followed by, 'A HUMAN, BEING'. The music fades and the Netflix logo comes on screen. STAMOS: Watch out.