Seventy four fifty two Nein nein nein! Microwave! Microwave! Microwave! Microwave! Aaaaahhhhh Do dee doo microwave dishwasher! Pastry biscuits Pastry biscuits Microwave dishwasher Microwave... Microwave... MICROWAVE MICROWAVE AAAAAA Cats, knees, pigs, elephants GOBLINS AAAA Bom bom knees! Bom bom teapots! Teapot! I am the sardasver He's a sailor darvadarva. Maybe I should get a panther
No more! No more! No more sponges! Sea weed! Sea weed! Sea weed- I like pennies! Dolphin! Dolphin! Dolphin! Dolphin! Buns! Buns! Buns! Buns!-OOOHHH Buns! Buns! Buns! Bones! Bums! Bums! Bums! Scones! Scones! Tiles! Scones! Tiles! Aaaaahhhhhhhhh!!! So yeah that's basically the album Thanks for listening y'know and stuff What're we going to do now? wa*k Yeah, lets do that