The demise of an era...
The dying of a species...
The vile work of d**h...
The purifycation of blood... the will of evolution
Before the bright red sun
A shrouded, ma**ive monolith of clouds, a scattered living maze
In Neander Valley, a crust of sleep laid on them...
A group of men wrote the human history by driving all the remaining Neanderthals into Neander Valley and decapitating them
The last dead Neanderthals were not defleshed -- the shell can meet its ghostly owner once more
The mysteries of evolution/ the birth of the first human myths
The mysteries of evolution/ systematic births and d**hs lead to chaos
The mysteries of evolution/ stocky and intelligent humanoids meet d**h
The mysteries of evolution/ the birth of d**h
A time will come when dead Neanderthal forms breed and feed again...