One cold December night back in 1984, A scientist had found himself upon the dance floor. He started twitching and shaking like a pile of jumping beans. At first it looked stupid, but the end justified the means. Well I know it's not generally considered very cool To dance like a nitwit, to dance like a fool, But now that's just a guideline, not a rule. I've been making my way through the danceclub scene, Been trying it out, it's my brand new routine. And it's catching on big, it's so hot it's obscene. So get off the wall, stand proud and tall. Get out there and dance like an idiot. You know it's all good, so rock the neighborhood. Get out there and dance like an idiot. You might wanna eat a lot of sugar first. Have some caffeinated soda to quench your thirst. Then step into the crowd, and give it your worst. No matter what you do, you can't go wrong, You can dance like an idiot all night long. As long as you've got no rhythm, you're going strong. So get off the wall, stand proud and tall. Get out there and dance like an idiot.
You know it's all good, so rock the neighborhood. Get out there and dance like an idiot. (Are you ready? Yes I am! Here we go.) Put your hands on your knees and hobble to the right, Then do a 360 with your eyes shut tight. While you're dizzy get busy and pretend you're a mime, Then make whiny noises and clap five times. Hold out your arms, start running in place. Try to do the Moonwalk, and fall on your face. Get up and stomp around like a big fat lummox, Then jump out the window with your hands on your bu*tocks. Like an idiot, like an idiot. Like an idiot, like an idiot. (Dance) like an idiot, like an idiot. (Dance) like an idiot, like an idiot. So get off the wall, stand proud and tall. Get out there and dance like an idiot. You know it's all good, so rock the neighborhood. Get out there and dance like an idiot. Get off the wall, stand proud and tall. Get out there and dance like an idiot. You know it's all good, so rock the neighborhood. Get out there and dance like an idiot.