[The cast creates a busy Manhattan street.] [ANTHONY (PERSON A), SPOKEN] Person A is walking at a rate of four miles point five miles per hour. [JENNY (PERSON B), SPOKEN] Person B is walking at a rate of five miles per hour. [ANTHONY, SPOKEN] Person A is moving with the general flow of traffic. [JENNY, SPOKEN] Person B is moving directly against traffic. [ANTHONY, SPOKEN] Person B is directly in the path of Person A. [JENNY, SPOKEN] Person A is in my way. [ANTHONY, SPOKEN] Person B's pace increases to five point five miles per hour. [JENNY, SPOKEN] Person A is gonna have to move. [ANTHONY, SPOKEN] Person A attempts eye contact with Person B. [JENNY, SPOKEN] Eye contact indicates submission. Must avoid it at all cost. Person A must step aside. [ANTHONY, SPOKEN] Person B's eyes are green. [JENNY, SPOKEN] Eye contact avoided. Power status established. [ANTHONY, SPOKEN] She looks so confident. [JENNY, SPOKEN] Pushover. [ANTHONY, SPOKEN] A thought hangs on her lips. [JENNY, SPOKEN] I forgot to put on lipstick. [ANTHONY, SPOKEN] She reaches into her bag. [JENNY, SPOKEN] I hate this color. [ANTHONY, SPOKEN] She removes the top. [JENNY, SPOKEN] Cranberry Kiss. [ANTHONY, SPOKEN] Her pace quickens with the thump of my heart. [JENNY, SPOKEN] Why do I even have this color? [ANTHONY, SPOKEN] With delicate fingers, she lifts the red, moist stick to her lips. [JENNY, SPOKEN] Applying lipstick on a crowded sidewalk. What could possibly go wrong? [ANTHONY, SPOKEN] At this rate Person A and Person B will make contact in four seconds. [JENNY, SPOKEN] Out of my way, honey. [ANTHONY, SPOKEN]
I'll be a gentleman and step aside. [JENNY, SPOKEN] Closing the gap, fella. [ANTHONY, SPOKEN] But not too far. My arm and hers will gently brush. (Their arms touch and ANTHONY's fantasy meeting plays out. The OTHERS break from their freeze and watch the fantasy.) She'll turn with an apologetic glance. "My fault," I'll say. The lipstick has fallen. We'll bend to pick it up. Nose to nose. "Allow me." I will lift the delicate silver cylinder from the concrete. "I believe this is yours." (in her voice as she mouths the words) "Well, I hope it's not yours." (returning to his own voice) She'll toss her hair. We'll laugh. "Ha ha ha." Our fingers will touch. (Their fingers touch. They are magnetically drawn to each other and almost kiss but the fantasy is abruptly shattered as reality intervenes) [JENNY, SPOKEN] Coming through. [ANTHONY, SPOKEN] One small step to the left and this moment is mine. [JENNY, SPOKEN] That's right! You move. [ANTHONY, SPOKEN] Just one - small - step. Damn. A post. [JENNY, SPOKEN] It's me or the post, kid. [ANTHONY, SPOKEN] Her or the post. Gotta shift right. [JENNY, SPOKEN] What are you doing? [ANTHONY, SPOKEN] Collision imminent. [JENNY, SPOKEN] Get out of the way! (They collide. Her hand drags her lipstick across her cheek.) [ANTHONY, SPOKEN] Sorry! [JENNY, SPOKEN] Dammit! [ANTHONY, SPOKEN] I'm sorry. It's my fault. [JENNY, SPOKEN] a**hole. [ANTHONY, SPOKEN] You dropped your lipstick. [JENNY, SPOKEN] Keep it. [ANTHONY, SPOKEN] Person B continues on her path - pace increasing. Person A can't move.