See in school I used to wonder why On the register Toby's first name started with Alua Or why Nathan's name read out as Kofi every time he logged into the computer And even though we friends I wanna know how the hell did Oliwa Benga become Ben ya see Africans seem to get more creative the more ashamed they get and That thing where people took it as a compliment when someone said “you don't look African” Well that never made no sense see I, love being an African in Britain Guest visits, family we follow tradition listen This is my culture We save up to buy land and Present things with our right hand We're taught to respect our ladies as we do our mothers Our cousins as we do our brothers I, hope my little sister never feels she has to use her middle name cause it sounds more English Or feels she has to ignore her heritage to get a job and Ticks British See sometimes the pride comes from knowing what your name means and where it came from You probably won't see your name on a keychain or a song and Microsoft might tell you you got your name wrong But that red underline does not mean you've been undermined create history with the name you were given And your story will be the one they write See whether your name is Quaekoo or Adik To my African brothers stop pretending you have a name that's English listen I know they cussed you in lesson But find out what your name means before you dismiss it then defend it
Cause your name is more than what they call you by Every legacy needs a legend I'm, proud of my name even if they are done with it Cause there's others getting k**ed for the colour that comes with it I am, not going to sit here and lie see after this poem I'm gonna stop cussing name Cause this is culture We used to get at each other's name in the village but If any of the outsiders got involved, lord knows they'll get it I'll defend my name to the finish listen I've heard it all I'm Not going to sit here and pretend like I weren't cussing names in school Or, in the canteen telling man his name sounds like the drop it like it's hot beat No more telling man their name's looking like when you're laughing on twitter and you press the whole keypad Or telling man their name needs an extra page on the pa**port I'm Trying to be a better man And definitely no more telling man their name sound like it was produced by Timbaland alright cool That was the last one See if you get my name wrong I won't turn and flip but you better learn it quick cause there's no English alternative There's no, “can I call you this?” From a youth I've been a king at this cussing game Not cause I'm rude, more because I had to I know my name has a heritage and meaning behind it I'm proud So, forget what they called you in lesson Whether it's Quaekoo or Lekin Tapiwa or Eben Be proud of where your name came from My African name True