[Lyrics: Ingo, Music: Claudio] Pray With The Creeping Chaos Denying The Holy Cross Istantaneous Demon Is Released By The Force Satan Orders All Of Us In The Pentagram Of Blood Defeat The Priest Of Lies And Attack The Place Of God Rise... The Flag Belial At My f**ing Side You Pray The Unblessed Grave Symbolical Dimension Places My Body Rots Away Biblical Verdict Of Heaven Accept The Words Of Hell Sign Your Desperation To The Sudden d**h In Spell Rise... The Flag Of The Inverted Cross Pray, The Altar In Mist The Soul Of Christ Denies The Beast Summon The Force That Regrets My Domain To Find That Someone Will Pay Asceding From Emptiness Evil Strikes For Me Unveil Your Satan's Flag Calling, Inside Your Head
Antichrist, Debris Of Flesh d**h Rips You Apart Annihilation, Victims Of Pain Serve Your Necrolust Evil One Comes On The Wings Of Hell The d**h Of Christ Is Obtained Defiled Crosses On The Altar Of Hades Unleash Your Disgust Today Yog - Sothoth Hee - L' Geb F' Ai - Throdog Sabaoth Flag Of The Inverted Cross Waves Down In Hell Resurrection Is Not Unveiled Lunatic, Demoniac Spell Back The Soldiers To Re-Twist Your Soul Feel d**h That Creeps Inside Of You Endless Torment, Inflicted Pain To See Defeated Priest Vomits Witches Brew Yog - Sothoth Hee - L' Geb F' Ai - Throdog Sabaoth Dungeon Of Eternal Horror Indulge Desire And Lust Sacrifice By Satanism Evil Nature Of Disgust ... Sabaoth ...