Just one hundred children you decided to k** Assa**inated and drowned by your twisted mind Catalyst of tragedy show your macabre guiness Witness of brutality murderer and rapist Crawling in black - Gleams of hate . Mortal consequence . Mortal consequence Desperate mothers pray the holy sentence You clench up in anger delivered now to pain Blurred and disoriented martyred by my impiety Witness of brutality murderer and rapist
Crawling in black - Gleams of hate . Mortal consequence . Mortal consequence "Nec gaudet tenui sanguine tanta sitis" Now in front of everybody execution starts See the face of d**h debilitating your heart Reverence and silence to extremity of fear Witness of brutality now you have to die! Crawling in black - Gleams of hate . Mortal consequence . Mortal consequence