I'ma give my 2 pence and step out Rappers tried to test the adept I clepped out Short answer these the essays you checked out To fill in the blank stares and shout hit the deck now Verbally I direct objects at your head Courtesy no etiquette that's what I call a predicate Self worth not predicated on being validated Mine emintes from the secret place, when I meditated Took leaving school to truly become educated Thinkin I should bespectacled its speculation I'm a stigma/enigma/I enter/opener/u rendered Motionless y sometimes I be approaching this game Asymptotin this closer to the closer Drawing with light but no long exposure Maintain composure roads lead to roma You make the grades the grades don't make you Let you shine through and always keep it true And just do it for the love, do it for the love Don't let em take you break you
Never let them shake you only you shape you Do it for the love, do it for the love To those kids that hate school and hate home and Find no solace I send my condolance Keep ya head up and never lose focus Find pa**ion and grow it even if nobody notice Nobody give you the time then find some cause One day you'll blind em the way the way that you'll shine son How many times for your mind, one And times for your heart the keypad got locked num Think therefore I am in season The way I coordinate its plane as cartesian No more bullsh** from now henceforth Beat by Pack pick it for those on the fence more I don't understand what make these n***as mad at me Try to a**ault batter me sincerest Form of flattery Dancin on the rain the subtlest pitter-pattery Echolocate hear and see divine patterns, b