This House is on fire! Kick off your boots, come and sit a spell Listen to me worry, come and listen well All you better best come and lean in boys Cause I don't dare to raise my voice I've been sitting here for the longest time Reading all the warning and the danger signs I don't have the gift of the prophecy Telling everybody how it's gonna be Soon come, soon come the day this tinderbox Is gonna blow in your face I don't have the gift of the prophecy Telling everybody how it's gonna be You go pa**ing wrong for right and right for wrong
People only stand for that for just so long It's all gonna catch like a house on fire Spark an evil blaze and burn higher Well, I don't have the gift of the prophecy Telling everybody how it's gonna be You go pa**ing wrong for right and right for wrong People only stand for that for just so long I don't have the gift of the prophecy Telling everybody how it's gonna be There's a wild fire catching in the whip of the wind That could start a conflagration Like there has never been. This house is on fire!