Shut up and listin 4 once shut up and listin 4 once shut up and listin 4 onc shut up and listin 4 once yall keep telling my story in the way you want to creat my story yall twist my words around and leave me feeling worthless and unwanted I try to tell you day in and day out excatly whats on my mind and what I feel inside but the problem is yall dont wanna f**ing listin instead you rather cut me off than ask me again so now your gonna shut up and listin shut up and listin you cant just figger someone out by watching there every move you have to use your voice and come talk to me if you really despret for answers about my life than instead of cutting me off than just shut up and listin to me I wrote it out 90 times already im writeing a book on my life inside
and out and if by then you still have no ida what im here for than youll never figgr me out at all instead of going around twisting my words around and having someone calling the poilce for being worried instead of having the common sence to tell me whats going on face to face just for 5 miniunts shut up and listin shut up and listin shut up and listin you want to know whats on my mind and what I feel inside than dont tell me who I am and what I do instead let me tell you who I am what I do and whey I do it let me be the one to tell you my life story so for once in a life time shut up and listin shut up and listin THIS SONG WAS WRITTEN BY NATALIE MARIE HOWELL AGE 17 TYPED BY NATALIE MARIE HOWELL AGE 18