Just leave I cant tell you to get out of my life case youll always be my brouther but I cant be around you anymore if all your gonna do is make me feel like I cant do anything right or reach your expectations I have a life to point out everything ive done wrong and I regret everything ive done & said that I shouldnt have said or done I dont need you to make me feel crap all the time im sorry if you dont like the way my computer is being treated but you have a $800.00 computer that you and our dad built togather you know what I cant live with you any more case no matter what I do when your around im always doing some thing wrong and now I just want to
be left alone for a while or can I not do that either I know I told you your dead to me and for a while you will be case I dont know what else to do you say these kids are the ratty old kids but the only ones who hurt me deep inside and make everything that goes wrong between you and me is my falt maby everything that goes wrong at all but im tired of feeling like I cant do anything right so go ahead take the computer back but dont ever wait on me for anything again case I dont want to see you for a while THIS SONG WAS WRITTEN BY NATALIE MARIE HOWELL AGE 18 TYPED BY NATALIE MARIE HOWELL AGE 18