I will never be ok whey do yall ask me if im ok when you pissed me off and im already hurting as it is I keep telling you I will never be ok I will never be ok I watched all my friends walk out on me I lossed a friend befor she walked out on me which left me in depression and to make it worse I lossed my God child and I never found out if it was a boy or a girl thatsb whey I said I will never be ok I will never be ok I will never be ok I lost all trust for half the peopel I know im getting tired of people always asking whey im mad and if im mad at them case they should already know that yet I have to explain it day in and day out so do you
understand now whey I always said I will never be ok I will never be ok I will never be ok not liek this I wont be and as long as this continues I might as well act like im ok when im not but the truth is I cant keep prretending im ok whem im not im tired not being able to sleep im tired not eating just case im not in the mood but that dosent matter at all to you now dose it so you know what I will never be ok I will never be ok I will never be ok I will never be I will never be I will never be ok THIS SONG WAS WRITTEN BY NATALIE MARIE HOWELL AGE 16 TYPED BY NATALIE MARIE HOWELL AGE 18