I have no heart whey is it so important to be in a relationship dont tell me its not ` impotatnt case yall seem to belive that it is and just becase I dont want to go out with you dosnt mean I have no heart I have no heart I have no heart whey is it such a big deal to be in a relationship I mean people say its not a big deal but they act like its the worlds biggest stuiation and if I dont go out with you than I have no heart I have no heart I have no heart well you know what im tired of people telling me what I can/can't do where I can/can't be like I can't think for myself and people saying one thing but
doing the tottal oppisate which is whey I dont trust anyone anymore and to say I have no heart I have no heart I have no heart I know just becasuse im not like everyone else and I dont want a relationship dose that really mean I have no heart so your telling me that because I hate boys so much that I dont want to go out with anyone that means I have no heart I have no heart I have no heart I have no heart thats un beliveable and I can't belive that case I won't go out with anyone I have no heart THIS SONG WAS WRITTEN BY NATALIE MARIE HOWELL AGE 16 TYPED BY NATALIE MARIE HOWELL AGE 18