God dose exist and he is with me every day This world was once a lonly dark and Lifeless world but one day God decied To make creation and created Everything we see But some of you still wonder or even Say that God is not real well im here To tell you that God dose exist and he Is with me everyday God dose exist and he is with me Everyday you dont belive it case You dont see it or you think you Have to fit into this world even if Its not denying that he exist think About it who on this planet really Knows when the world is going to end The excat day at the excat time no one People are just gussing saying they Know when the world will come to a End but the truth is no one here Knows when thats going to happen It is said that only God the Father Knows when and how the world will End look around God's creation is Every where from the trees to the
Animals from the animals to the Humans and is created every day God dose exist and he is with me Every day God wants to help you with Your life everyone go's through hard Times that they just can't get out of And so if you let him accept him into Your life case God dose exsit and he Is with me every day God dose exist And he is with everday I know there's Times that seems like no one is Around you you feel like Youve been abandend that no one Cares but God dose infact he loved The world so much he gave his only Son Jesus to die for you and me So we can come have a ever lasting Life with him all we gotta do is give Him our hearts and belive and trust In him and youll see God dose exist and he is with me Every day God dose exist and he is With me every day THIS SONG WAS WRITTEN BY NATALIE MARIE HOWELL AGE 17 TYPED BY NATALIE MARIE HOWELL AGE 18