Feel The Flames Rise Inside me
Feel the flames rise inside me feel the
flames rise inside me as the anger and
pain rushs through my body and
every memory plays out like a movie
that never ends hearing so many
voices in my head always saying
one thing and meaning something
tottaly differnt day after day you
been trying to put the puzzle of
life togather but instead you end up
fighting fire with fire till everything
explods right befor your eyes and
you begain to wonder if all 18 years
of your life has just been a waste of
time feeling unwanted everything
grows dark feel the flames rise
inside me feel the flames rise inside
me feel the flames rise inside me as
the anger stress irratation and pain
flares up inside yet still even if I
wanted to I just cant all because
10 years stright non stop I just hold
everything inside now just feel the
flames rise inside me feel the flames
rise inside me feel the flames rise
inside me as I try so hard to pretend
everything is ok when I have no ida
what to say or do mainly because no
one can make up thire mind or even
tell me whats going on whey people
are always worried about me but can
never tell me what it is there wooried
about why cant I let anything go is it
because I dont know what it is im
letting go so now feel the flames rise
inside me feel the flames rise inside
me feel the flames rise inside me
imagin your self houlding everything
inside for 10 years pretending your
ok when your not This Song Was
Written By Natalie Marie Howell
age 18 Typed by Natalie Marie Howell
age 18