The engine is alive Fear it cultivates Ma**es putrefy Profit they create The engine's working well Iron glowing red Ma**es put in hell Piles of newly dead A sickening steam is emerging from the pipes -The engine of d**h This brutal machinery is bound to take some lives -The engine of d**h The engine now evolves Loads another game Ma**es then revolt The fear they will reclaim The engine's running wild Impossible to stop
Ma**es can't decide They will stay as crop A sickening steam is emerging from the pipes -The engine of d**h This brutal machinery is bound to take some lives -The engine of d**h It's running on human fuel Spewning black ash and toxic dust Man against machine - a mighty duel A sickening steam is emerging from the pipes -The engine of d**h This brutal machinery is bound to take some lives -The engine of d**h