A distant alarm, a sound from far away We raised our heads towards the sky but there was nothing there to see The restless crowd is now breaking the silence Anxiety is rising, the sky is turning dark A riot is emerging, men beat men to d**h This is unexplainable, a fight without a battle The alarm resounds and someone called in a speaker: "This is not a drill, I repeat: this is not a drill..." Today we die, today we testify All we do must come to an end - this is the end Reversed evolving, turning people into beasts
They're feasting on eachother, strong consume the weak Flaming ruins, society is lost Shattered city streets filled with blind, nameless creatures The sky cracks open, dust is descending Breath the black air, feel darkness in your lungs Silence - nothing makes a sound But we can still hear, the sound of the alarm Today we die, today we testify All we do must come to an end - this is the end A distant early warning A sound from far away We raised our heads Towards the sky Towards the alarm...